How To Build Your Network on ToolBelt
December 15, 2020

Looking to expand your professional network of Contractors and Tradespeople?

Follow this how-to guide to learn how to make connections and grow your ToolBelt Rolodex.


How to expand your network:

Make sure your profile is filled out

A filled out profile is one of your best tools for making connections on ToolBelt. Learn more about how to fill out your profile here.


Share your profile

From the homepage, navigate to your profile by selecting your profile picture in the top left corner. Then press the “SHARE” button in the top right. Share via text, email, Facebook, or another app. Sharing your profile will send a link to download ToolBelt.



Make Connections

Search for Contractors and Tradespeople to connect with. When you want to connect with a user just hit the “CONNECT” button on the profile page.